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Group Psychotherapy

The power of healing can be enhanced when experienced with others.


Group therapy is a form of psychotherapy where one or more therapists work with several individuals simultaneously. It can be used alone or as part of a comprehensive treatment plan that includes individual therapy. Sessions typically involve 6 to 12 participants and occur once or twice a week. The group setting allows people to share experiences, learn coping skills, and receive support from others facing similar challenges. There are different types of group therapy, such as cognitive-behavioral, interpersonal, psychoeducational, skills development, and support groups. Whether you’re managing mental health conditions or seeking personal growth, group therapy provides a valuable space for healing and connection 

Group therapy offers several benefits for participants:

1. Shared Experiences and Support: Group members can connect with others who face similar challenges. This shared understanding fosters empathy, reduces feelings of isolation, and provides emotional support.

2. Learning from Others: Participants learn coping strategies, problem-solving skills, and new perspectives by observing how others handle similar issues. This collective wisdom enhances personal growth.

3. Social Skills Development: Group therapy provides a safe space to practice social interactions, assertiveness, and communication. It helps individuals build confidence in relating to others.

4. Feedback and Validation: Group members receive feedback from peers and therapists, gaining insights into their behavior and thought patterns. Validation from others reinforces self-worth.

5. Cost-Effective: Group therapy is often more affordable than individual therapy. Participants benefit from professional guidance while sharing the cost with others.

6. Normalization: Realizing that their struggles are common and not unique to them can reduce shame and self-blame. Normalization promotes acceptance and healing.

7. Diverse Perspectives: Groups include people from various backgrounds, cultures, and life stages. Exposure to diverse viewpoints enriches personal understanding.

8. Accountability: Group members hold each other accountable for progress and commitment to therapy goals.


To begin, provide some basic details about your needs and schedule a 15-minutes no obligation consultation with our lead therapist. All questions will be answered and your treatment options will be discussed in detail.