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Ketamine Therapy for Couples

Exploring Ketamine for Couples Therapy: Benefits and Considerations

  • Enhancing Communication: Ketamine can induce altered states of consciousness, sometimes described as dissociative or psychedelic experiences. Some couples have reported that these experiences facilitated more open and honest communication. Couples therapy with ketamine-assisted sessions may help partners express their thoughts, feelings, and concerns more effectively.

  • Enhanced Intimacy: Ketamine can induce altered states of consciousness where couples report experiencing increased intimacy and emotional connection during and after a ketamine session.

  • Improved Emotional Connection: Ketamine may have the potential to promote feelings of emotional closeness and empathy. Couples who are struggling with emotional disconnection or detachment may find that ketamine-assisted therapy helps them re-establish a stronger emotional bond.

  • Explore Consciousness Together: Some couples may be interested in exploring altered states of consciousness together, either for personal growth or spiritual exploration. Ketamine therapy, when used responsibly and with professional guidance, can facilitate such experiences.

  • Enhanced Relationship: Combined with talk therapy, ketamine can facilitate a deeper understanding of the dynamics within the relationship and promote positive change.

  • Address Trauma: Ketamine-assisted therapy has been explored as a tool for treating post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). If one or both partners have experienced trauma that affects their relationship, ketamine therapy with a trained therapist may help them process and heal from these traumatic experiences.

  • Treat Depression and Anxiety: Ketamine has been studied as a treatment for depression and anxiety disorders, including treatment-resistant depression. If one or both partners in a relationship struggle with these conditions, ketamine therapy may help alleviate symptoms, improving the overall quality of the relationship.

We also offer Individual and group packages to meet your specific needs.

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To begin, provide some basic details about your needs and schedule a 15-minutes no obligation consultation with our lead therapist. All questions will be answered and your treatment options will be discussed in detail.


Couples Packages

Rediscover the strength of your relationship through guided conversations and shared experiences in our couple’s therapy sessions.

Insurance might cover counseling sessions, though the prescriptions will not be covered. An intake must be completed to assess coverage. Your total out-of-pocket cost will be available at that time.